Inna Prokopenko

Inna Prokopenko


Inna has over 24 years of experience in the aesthetic industry.

With extensive background in plastics and dermatology for 22 years, Inna has been a key contributor to the clinical trials of many injectable products available on the US market today.

Inna is valued as a global key opinion leader, educator, and accomplish the injector.

Founder and owner of Viso Bespoke Aesthetics In Salt Lake City UT, Inna crafted her practice to be a place where science anatomy and art come together to create natural beauty.

Inna specializes in consultation focusing on distinct anatomy and intended results for each patient. This allows her to achieve a natural result.

Inna places a high priority on safety in aesthetics and employees all safeguards while injecting. As an expert in safety and complication management, Inna teaches this approach all across the United States.

Over 20 years of experience in teaching aesthetics Inna teaches more than 100 medical practices each year.

8:00 am - 8:45 am

Enhancing Skin Quality with Dermal Fillers