Lori Robertson
Lori has spent over 41 years in medicine. Her first 24 years were as an ER and ICU nurse. She went on to become a Nurse Practitioner in 2004 working in Family Practice. After getting Botox one time she began to consider working in aesthetics. She landed a position as an aesthetic nurse in 2007 and has continued to grow and learn every day.
She has become a sought-after speaker and international aesthetic educator. She serves on several advisory/editorial boards (4) and is on faculty with (6) different medical conferences. In 2022 She was awarded Clinical Innovator of the Year by her colleagues at Aesthetic Next, 2020 Received the Iconic Nurse Award from the National Nurses Pub, and In 2012 she was voted the National Aesthetic Nurse of the Year by The Aesthetic Academy.
Lori also has quite an interesting past as a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Rsv. for 13 years, has won 4 National Championships racing Corvettes, and worked as the Medical Consult/Actress for ABC-TV General Hospital for 19 years.