Speaker Bio

Michael Yost

Michael Yost

As a part of the beauty industry since 1991 and a business owner for 16 years, Michael now has the honor of serving as President of Strategies – a company that he sought out when he first became a business owner.  That experience fundamentally changed this thinking, actions, and behaviors toward building a healthy business and culture.

That experience also changed the course of his life.  He needed to share the solid business principles learned with an industry.  Working as a coach and educator then moving to Director of Education and now President of Strategies have allowed him to interact and be inspired by many great leaders and team members.  This interaction keeps fueling the passion for an industry he loves.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

Michael has a beautiful wife, Christine.  Two awesome boys – Matthew and Benjamin and one crazy dog Maverick.  He is also terrible at golf but enjoys it anyway.